Your shoes speak volumes about you, but a fine, custom-made pair does so in the hushed tones of a tête-à-tête. In fact, the whole process is very sexy: having your feet carefully measured; discussing the curves of an arch; poring over piles of glossy leather swatches. Next, there's the delayed satisfaction of waiting, first to try on the loosely-sewn versions (Are the toes a bit snug? The heels too tight?) followed, weeks later, by the finished stunners. If you've put yourself in good hands, the end results will be worth it. Second-generation shoe maestro Silvano Lattanzi teased out a pair of these welted oxfords for me, gracefully accented with leather ridges. My heart's still pounding: It was love at first sight.
Silvano Lattanzi
905 Madison Avenue
Photograph by Ron Reeves.